At Vinnytsia Don students were invited to work in the fiscal services (+ photos)

The school year just started, and the students of Donetsk National University have come away with some suggestions. Head of the State Fiscal Service in Vinnitsa region Miroslav Prodan informed young future professionals with theissues and working moments that professionals have to deal daily tax and customs. The official called Don students demonstrate their capacity, taking part in a project initiated by the Directorate fiscal service area. "I am deeply convinced that it is highly intelligent and creative young people lacking perhaps everyand establishment. In turn, such a possibility is not open to every student. Therefore, I advise to use it and contribute to the process of state ", - said Miroslav Prodan. So are the students who will present their own vision of how the economy as a whole, and local communities will have the opportunity to further implement themlife, already being in the fiscal status of the service. PG DFS in Vinnitsa region This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
