Anniversary "Youth" opens the film "45 years"
45th Kyiv International Film Festival « Youth » announced opening film – « '45 » British director Andrew Hay. At the 65th Berlinale film won two Silver Bears, but Ukrainian rolled strip is not scheduled. It is reported. Ceremoniyi opening and closing this year will be held in the Theater Ivan Franko, says festival director Andrew Khalpakhchi. « This a location we chose, because in the current situation are forced to save & raquo ;, – he explains. Derzhkino this year provided 552 thousand UAH for the festival. « We are limited in their resources, yetthe same time, the festival gets more financial support to all other cinematographic events. But we also doluchatymemosya other resources, organizational, informational and moral – is that we manage the best & raquo ;, – said chairman Philip Derzhkino Illenko. Funds for the festival also provided Kyiv City Administration and patrons.Formation Program « Youth » still ongoing. A special highlight of the festival will be the film « Event » Sergei Loznitsa, who is present at the Venice festival. This documentary about the collapse of the USSR in August 1991. Russian cinema will be presented at the festival, but to a lesser extent than in previous years, – ThRes certain censorship from the Russian side, said Khalpakhchi. Chairman of the jury will be national director Roman Balayan. Director of the Festival also notes that all movies programs « Sunny Bunny & raquo ;, dedicated to the LGBT community, will demonstrate cinema « Kyiv & raquo ;, because there are more opportunities to protect. Meanwhile, kinoteatr « October & raquo ;, which burned during the show of the program last year, will again be one of the platforms « Youth & raquo ;. Film « Youth » will run from 22 October to 1 November.Source: