On September 4 Vinnitchina changed some accounting standards DFS
General Directorate in Vinnytsia region informs that from 4 September, (the publication in the "Official Journal of the Ukraine") came into effect order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine from 23.07.2015r. 664, which approved changes to some regulations of the Ministry of Finance would beuhhalterskoho account. Thus, national provisions (standards) of accounting in the public sector 121 " Fixed Assets " and 122 " Intangibles & quot ;, (order of the Ministry of Finance 12.10.2010r. 1202) supplemented with the new rules, under which the cost of fixed assets and intangible assets obtained free of charge from fizychnyh and legal persons (other than public sector entities) may be cost, which is on reliable information in accordance with the relevant source documents. Depreciation on items of property, equipment and intangible assets to which access is limited due to the fact that they are in the temporarily occupied territory or territories holding anti-terrorist operation not charged. By decision of the head of the public sector subject to regulatory documents on accounting policy may provide for depreciation on the annual balance sheet date. The cost of an intangible asset with a finite useful life (operation) is distributed in a systematic way againsttion of its useful life (operation) by depreciation on the balance sheet date. On disposal of fixed assets or intangible assets subject public sector depreciation charges in the month of disposal. In addition, the chart of accounts of budget institutions (Ministry of Finance of Ukraine 2June 6, 2013 611) slightly modified correspondence sub-accounting transactions to reflect the assets, liabilities and capital budget institutions. DFS Communications Division in the Vinnytsia region This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State AdministrationSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/