In Vinnitsa region held a command post exercise with governments and civil defense forces (+ photos)

According to the Department of Civil Protection Administration, in accordance with the Plan of basic measures of civil protection area for 2015, approved by the head of the regional state administration, in Mohyliv Podolsk paradiseshared in the city and 8.9 in September 2015 conducted a command post exercise with governments and civil defense forces district and the city on "Protecting the population and the district of emergency situations of technogenic and natural character. Transfer civil protection area of ??peace to martial law. " Study objectives were intended: 1. Pidvyschyty level of management of the district (city) level territorial subsystems unified state civil defense system to transfer action in the area of ??civil protection of peace to martial law, the organization and the organization of evacuation measures to shelter population in the defenses. 2. Improve skills paradiseOnno and city commissions for technogenic and ecological safety and emergencies in the organization and carrying out activities in the aftermath of emergencies. 3. Improve the skills of regional and municipal authorities on the organization of emergency evacuation from the area of ??possible hostilities. 4. Assess the condition of Population Protection raion and cities in the existing fund of protective structures. 5. Assess the level of training of civil defense forces for tasks. 6. Work out the procedure of interaction between organizations and institutions of civil protection services in the event of emergencies and response in the district. The train involved: the representativegovernments and civil defense areas: the Department of Civil Protection Administration; regional specialized services of civil defense, as well as the Mogilev-Podolsk district: Head of Civil Protection District - head of district administration; the town of Mogilev-Podolsky - Deputy Mayor; district and cityand the commission on technogenic and ecological safety and emergencies; evacuation area authorities and cities; department of civil protection, defense of and interaction with the police district administration; Management of Emergencies, defense, mobilization work and cooperation with law enforcement authorities of the city; t Districturban and specialized civil protection, enterprises, institutions and organizations to ensure that the civil protection measures; City and village councils; formation of civil protection in the quantity required for testing educational issues. Training was held organized educational issues worked out. Almost worked withgovernments and civil defense forces district and city of notification and collection management of the civil protection area and the city and district and city commissions on technological-ecological safety and emergency situations; actions of management of the civil protection area to organize the transfer of district and city units of territorial subsystem of the unified state system flnoho protection mode operation in peacetime mode operation during a Special Period; spare deployment of command and control; organization of work on preparation of defense equipment to the shelter population in the defenses; organization evacuation alert authorities and the public about the beginning of the evacuation; organization of accounting eVakuyovanoho population; organization management and communication during the evacuation; preparation of vehicles for evacuation; organization of comprehensive support to evacuees. Its main objectives achieved. By the district and the city will prove the outcome of the command and staff training. This was reported in BRSA innytskiy
