Prosecutors Volyn insist on punishment for the rapist just
Volyn region prosecutor's office has made a new trial in the criminal proceedings against the man who committed the rape. Thus, in June this year on the river in Stokhid Lubeshiv area 32-year-old local resident has committed rape. However,court received a petition from the victim to close criminal proceedings in connection ’ communication with its rejection of the prosecution in the proceedings in the form of private prosecution, which was granted by the court. Meanwhile, prosecutors appealed the ruling because if it was taken by the court of first instance there has been a significant timetion of criminal procedural law, since the offense was committed aggravating circumstances, namely the hotel wine drunk ch ’ yaninnya during the commission of a crime, and therefore does not apply to criminal proceedings in the form of private prosecution. Decision of the Court of Appeal Volyn oblast prosecutor's complaint satisfied and etc.yznacheno new trial in the court of first instance.Source: