Volyn region, rescuers summed up activity over 8 months and identified priorities for further work

9 September, chaired by head of DSNS region, Major-General Vladimir civil protection Hrushovinchuka held a meeting to summarize the results of 8 months of 2015 and setting priorities in Filedshiy work of structural units, rescue units and local units DSNS management in Volyn region. Began official part of the meeting. Head of the region gave DSNS next special rank senior management, as well as literacy and thanks DSNS Ukraine for significant achievements in the service activityARRANGEMENTS individual managers and employees of local units. During the meeting noted in particular that during the dry and hot month of August in the observed complex fire-dangerous situation, increase the number of fires recorded primarily in ecosystems. This factor was due to the massive uncontrolled burning dry plantsness in an extremely high fire danger class despite massively enhanced Rose ’ yasnyuvalniy work. For their extinguishing all units involved region, considerable material and human resources. So the priority is the prevention of emergency situations and minimizing their consequences, maintaining a high level boyeability to service units « 101 » and local fire protection. In the short term need to exert maximum efforts for the final elimination of all fires on peat ’ yanykah in the northern region. Among other issues discussed at the meeting – training units Fire and Rescue Service area for autumn-winterth period, conducting educational outreach to prevent accidents and fires in the living areas, floor ’ related to the beginning of the heating season to save lives and well-being of citizens, as well as quality and prompt response to emergencies of various kinds. UDSNS Ukraine in the Volyn region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/