At Vinnytsia rescuers had cleaned the apartment in which
medical thermometer broke on September 8 Vinnitsa rescuers received information that one of the flats in an apartment building on vul.1905 year because of careless use of a mercury thermometer damaged its integrity. Arrived on the scene ryatuvalnyky who cleaned the room had a chemical-mechanically removed and 0.5 g of metallic mercury. Rescuers again remind citizens how to act in case of spill mercury (mercury thermometer damage): - Output from the premises of all people, especially children, the disabled and the elderly; - Open all the windows in nastizh prymischeESI; - As insulate the people from contaminated areas, tightly close all doors; - Protect respiratory organs even damp gauze; - Collect syringes big balls and just dumps them in a glass jar with a solution (2 grams of potassium permanganate to 1 liter of water), smaller balls collect brush on paper and also reset the bank.Bank close the lid. Use a vacuum cleaner to collect mercury is prohibited. Wash contaminated sites soap-soda solution (400 grams of soap and 500 grams of soda ash per 10 liters of water) or potassium permanganate (20 g per 10 liters of water); - Close the premises after treatment so that there was no connection to other premisestions and ventilate for three days; - Hold indoors if possible temperature not lower than 18-20 degrees Celsius; - Clean and wash durable, almost black solution of potassium permanganate shoe soles if you stepped on mercury. HUDSNS Ukraine in Vinnytsia regionSource: