In Ternopil

rescuers competed Regional Championship on fire-applied sport on 8 September at the training base DSNS Management in Ternopil. In a challenging and entertaining competitions demonstrated their professional skills 19 teams, made up of fire-rescue units Ternopil region. By the wayand, each day, rescuers carry about 25 trips in the region. Therefore, in everyday life, these people are truly dealing with the struggle for life. "It might be when this training tower built 30 years ago, also held similar competitions - said at the opening of the championship head of the Ternopil Regional State Administration Stepan Barna - we can seeilyvo assess the ability of our rescuers, who did not defend our one year from Ternopil emergencies. To each of you I sincerely wish to show their best skills to get the best experience and find his good sister-savior, who will be able to support in any difficult situation. Now for us more important than ever to have a joint command in Decemberin. This applies to all: public authorities, the Security Service, Interior Ministry, Emergency Management and local governments. " The program included overcoming Championship 100-meter strip with obstacles, climbing and sliding assault ladders in the window of the third and fourth floors of the tower learning. A fire is alsostafeta 4 100 meters and a combat deployment. Following the regional championship team formed area, which represent Ternopil in nationwide competitions on fire and applied sport. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State Administration
