Khmelnytsky region, Teofipolschyni to discuss important social issues in

Berezhynetskiy village council Teofipol Raion working group headed by State Administration Yuriy Majewski conducted extensive exit meeting. Addressed issues concerning the order of appointment of housing subsidies to citizens, the Law of Ukraine "On voluntary atb'yednannya local communities. " Head of the Social Welfare State Administration Natalia Lebed informed regarding the simplified procedure provision of housing subsidies. Provided detailed explanations to questions. Actively discussed the association of village councils in a local community. Clearclarification on the head of the district administration gave George Majewski. The official explained that the state directs resources for rural development and why today so acute issue of association and decentralization. After losing did not have the ability to attract investment, obtain funds for development. Supplemented his headDepartment of Housing and Construction State Administration Liudmyla Sapuga. Explained that the community will remain on new taxes, including property taxes and transportation, all land fee, 60% tax on personal income, 25% environmental tax, 5% excise tax on implementation of excisable goods, 100% taxin enterprise profits and financial institutions of communal property and the single tax. Only the tax on personal income in the new community will Teofipolskiy 14,634.8 thousand. UAH. collection of taxes and fees that would have united the community much wider than in many European countries. Moreover, together, the community can count onadditional funds from the State Regional Development Fund to improve about 4 mln. UAH. and this amount could double if Teofipolska community will be established soon. Now began the process of recovery, reboot Ukraine and the formation of high-quality power system. There will be a transition period, but the process that began - irreversible.It became apparent: not making the reform of local government, decentralization and not having built no effective system of government, no reforms will not succeed - neither economic nor social or educational, or medical. Reported at
