At Vinnytsia Litinskii police seized ammunition drunk driver

in Litinskii district police detained three drunken men. The car in which they traveled, police found two registered guns, gunpowder and ammunition. 7 August in the village Zhuravno police stopped the car "Foltsvahen T-4", under the mannyam 34-year resident of the village of Vinnitsa Farms. The driver was driving drunk. In addition to the driver in the car were two other passengers. In men, the police found a semi-automatic hunting rifle, shotgun, 150 grams of powder and 12 rounds. According to the chief police department Yuri Lityn Naychuk withbroya was registered and kept legally. Seized ammunition was sent for examination to establish their purpose. Previously found that men were engaged in poaching. In this incident the investigation department opened criminal proceedings under ch. 1, Art. 263 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (illegal handling of weapons, military soldersdumplings or explosives). For such offenses punishable up to 7 years in prison. Driver also brought to responsibility for driving drunk. Ongoing investigation. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine In Vinnytsia Region
