At Vinnytsia regional programs run actively on building, energy efficiency and support for farmers (+ photos)
This is the head of KP "Regional Fund for Investment and Construction" Vladimir Baboshyn during a weekly meeting with the Head, which took place on the seventh of September in conference Hall RSA. Informing the audienceon implementation of regional programs for the construction, energy and agricultural support Vladimir Baboshyn noted that the Regional Fund for Investment and Construction participates in the implementation on the territory of the region of four programs. Namely, a regional program of support of individual housing construction "own house" in 2013-2016 years, the regional target program construction (purchase) of affordable housing in the Vinnytsia region in 2010-2017, programs to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption in Vinnytsia oblast for 2010-2015 and development programs and subsidiary farming region in 2011-2015 . Thus, regionalsupport program for individual housing construction "Own House" to expand investment in housing developers and creating favorable conditions by providing long-term soft loans for the construction, completion and rehabilitation of housing (householders) for the construction of engineering networks and connect them toexisting communications with the introduction of energy saving technologies in construction. For the reporting period to implement the program attracted 22.3 million. UAH. According to Vladimir Baboshyna, fundraising budgets of all levels to fund programs made it possible: to assist in the construction and commissioning of 148 individual housesa total area of ??12,835.3 m2; rural families to buy 16 individual houses; build and put into operation 179.7 km of street gas networks of gasification of 592 rural households and to build and put into operation 153.1 km of street water supply networks of 828 rural water supply houses. "Noteworthy experience ofand Illinetskyi Zhmerinskogo areas and on the use of built and unfinished buildings with conversion of their housing. Thus, the former primary school premises in Illintsi district was renovated at 8-apartment dwelling house, which received housing employees of education, culture and other public sector bodies district "- Said the President of the Regional Fund. In addition, the village Stanislavchik Zhmerynka district efforts of community and personal participation of rural chairman VM Perepechay was established cooperative that produced at their own expense construction documents and obtaining credit. Developers clinic was attached to the room, which for last ten yearswas unfinished at making it nine buildings coupled with dvohrivnevymy apartments. Borrowers Fund were employees of education, culture, healthcare, local government, living in this community. As Vladimir Baboshyn, the Fund pays special attention to participation in the construction lending street vodohobers, rehabilitation of wells and water towers and water supply to the residents of the estate. Thus, the Fund participates in co-financing from local communities that participated in the Swiss-Ukrainian project - DESPRO, the program "Drinking water". The Programme allows you to: perform a set of measures aimed at implementation of the StateSecond Policies individual housing construction, improve the social conditions of the population and increase engineering resettlement villages; improve rural infrastructure, socio-demographic situation in the countryside, increase economic activity and increase revenue (solvency) of the rural population, as wellOJ increase the attractiveness of rural areas area which will reduce the outflow of population from rural areas, encouraging it to construction and housing in the countryside, stimulate consolidation and growth of young people in rural areas, reducing migration of the rural population in the city and outside the region. Referring to the theme Regionhoc target program construction (purchase) of affordable housing in the Vinnytsia region in 2010-2017, Vladimir Baboshyn informed that implementation of the program in the region made it possible to provide affordable housing for agricultural workers, research, industry, doctors, pedagogues, specialist departments, Exerciseavlin and departments of State Administration and Regional Council and direct its execution 12.1 million. UAH. During the reporting period built tenement houses on the street. Michurina, p. Agronomichne. Through the implementation of the "Affordable Housing" 60 families received apartments in residential buildings in the village. Agronomichne, town. Sharhorod and on the street. Tymoshchuk in. HeIncrement. 9 borrowers participating in the construction of houses in the village. Tomashpil and village. Murovani Kurylivtsi. The fund is defined by the customer for the construction of apartment buildings in 10 districts. Informing participants of the meeting about the program of energy efficiency and decrease energy consumption in the Vinnytsia region 2010-2015 years Vladimir Baboshyn noted that the program provides for installation of energy efficient equipment, implementation of boilers on alternative fuels and regulators of heat on health facilities, education facilities and joint municipal ownership of the territorial community area, which serves regional municipal enterprise " Wynntsyaoblteploenerho "with the subsequent lease. For the reporting period to implement the program aimed 18,100,000. USD. So, for this period was reconstructed boiler facilities in health and health education field, including: Barska and Khmelnitsky CRH and Illinetskyi, Lipovetsky and Zhmerinskaya institutions. As well as technical upgradingdeep geological equipment and boiler Severinovske surgical tuberculosis sanatorium and reconstruction of boiler Murovanokurilovetskiy school. Work continues on the reconstruction of boiler and Gaysinsky Tulchin district hospitals and Mogilev-Podolsky children's sanatorium. The Fund pays considerable attention to the establishment of thermal regulatorsenergy facilities to joint ownership of territorial communities of the region, which saves a lot of money. Regulators were established in .. Pirogov Hospital, the medical association "Phthisiology" kardiorevmatolohichnomu children's sanatorium boiler and 11 CE "Vinnytsyaoblteploenerho." Needs serious logistics of storing, nererobtsi and drying of firewood by improving their quality. Thus, the Foundation organized a production process of preparation of firewood, by sawing them, generation by drying and moisture proof material to 18-23%. This makes it possible to save more than 20% of the forest that should be directed to heating. According to Vladimir Baboshyna for perifrom the implementation of the Programme of subsidiary farms and the region in 2011-2015 the Foundation was granted loans and peasant farmers in the amount of 6,011.0 thousand. UAH. Credit resources were focused on the development of animal farming, food processing and construction of vegetable stores and sadivnytstvo. Implementation of programs to support farmers and farmers made it possible for the period of the aforementioned programs the Fund was allocated 58,500,000 USD. credit. Commenting on the above information Valery Cow noted that some graduate programs in force in 2015, so you need to clearly prioritize Categoriesand next year. "As head of the regional state administration, I want to see rhythmic work towards the review of all programs that are in the regional state administration and adopted by the Regional Council. Each program should be tailored to the approved Development Strategy of Vinnytsia region by 2020 ", - the head area. It postswashed in the Vinnytsia Regional State AdministrationSource: