In Khmelnytsky rescuers teach tourists the rules of fire safety in forests

During the fire risk period, the number of fires in forests growing rapidly. The main causes of fire in ecosystems – careless handling of fire. Inconsolable Statistics reports that it is people who are the perpetrators of more than 90% of forest fires, the consequences Ical cost is very expensive for the local flora, fauna and of course for forest management. To prevent trouble and raise public awareness of fire safety in ecosystems, rescuers 3rd state fire-rescue squad m. Netishin cooperation with law enforcement officials, Forestry, local governmentI and the media provides information Rose ’ yasnyuvalnu work among tourists. When working staff DSNS proved to them the basic rules of safe behavior in forests, pointed to the violations found and handed warning fire nature monuments. It is worth recalling thatunder the law, rules of fire safety in the forests of Ukraine is required ’ compulsory for all citizens who for any reason are in the woods. A violation of the fire danger in forests entails administrative or criminal responsibility of the perpetrators and compensation for damages. State Service of UkraineEmergency calls asking citizens to be cautious and careful to rest in the forest was pleasant, and most importantly safe, both for tourists and for nature itself. Remember, violating fire safety rules, you do great damage, including material. Protect natural resources, do not let nyschIchi public property. 3 PG DPRZ DSNS Ukraine in Khmelnytsky region
