Preparation of the fuel and energy complex, housing and communal services and social infrastructure Vinnichiny the autumn-winter period of 2015-2016 years is in the planning mode (+ photos)

, said Deputy Head Vasyl regional brewers during a conference call held next September. Withdistrict administrations and report data, as of September 1, 2015 objects of housing and communal services and social institutions produced an average of 85%, work is carried out in accordance with approved schedules, including the main sub-sectors: thermal economy - 85.0%; housing - 85%; Social institutions - 90%; Wateringrovidno and sanitation - 86%; and road maintenance - 82%; Informing the audience on the issue of co-financing repairs on the roads, and that more than 6.5 thousand. Km., Basil brewers said: "From 4 to 19 August 2015 under my chairmanship held meetings in each region on the field of fundraisingPlanning and Regulation Local budgets and co repairs on the roads. The main issue that was considered - the poor state of roads area and discuss the mechanism of co-financing renovations through attracting financial resources of village, town and city councils, as well as the financial support silhospvyrobers ". As you know, the basis for considering the participation of local communities in the repair of roads is the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Some Laws of Ukraine regarding co-financing repair and maintenance of national roads", which in July this year came into force. As of September 1 this year, the activeozpochalosya raising funds local budgets for road repairs and work already performed in Bar, Bershad, Zhmerinskiy, Kryzhopil, Peschansky, Trostyanetskiy, Khmelnitsky and Chechelnitsky areas. The amount of funds that have been allocated from the local budget or the support of farmers are an average of 100,0 thousand. UAH. (Chechelnitsky region) to 750.0 thousand. UAH. (Bershad district). Thus, as of September 1 of the current year repairs done and even held a total of - 2.7 mln. UAH. Overall in the region, as of September 1, 2015, it is planned to involve the repair of roads - 6,4 mln. UAH. local budgets and Ruralkohospodarskyh manufacturers. Referring to the theme of energy efficiency and decrease energy consumption in the Deputy Governor said that under the "Program for energy efficiency and decrease energy consumption in Vinnytsia oblast for 2010-2015" to implement energy saving measuresthe first half of this year directed - 23.9 mln. UAH., which is 11.54 million. UAH. more than in the same period of 2014. One of the main applications is above budget institutions switch over from natural gas to alternative fuels. Thus, in 2015 it is planned to transfer 135 public sector boiler area. HundredMr. September 1, 2015, it is worth noting such areas as: Kalinowski (put into operation seven boilers) Kozyatyn (completed work on two sites), Khmelnitsky (completed work on two sites), Bar, Illintsi, Nemirovsky, Oratovsky, Teplice, Trostyanetsky (completed work on one object). Thus, as of 1 September 2015 year completed work on 17 sites totaling 14.1 million. UAH. The work another 37 facilities. As Basil brewers, as of September 1, 2015 the total number of purchased wood in areas of the region is 25.8 thousand. M3 or 42.6% of the demand for the heating season. In particular, such areas as: Kryzhopolsky, Murovanokurilovetskiy, Nemirovsky, Chechelnitsky, Shargorodskii harvested wood over 75% of the required volumes. However, in some areas need to speed up work on firewood, as they harvested less than 20% of the requirements are: Zhmerinskiy, Kozyatyn, Mogilev-Podolsk, Chernivtsi. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
