Local budgets Vinnitsa region for 7 months of property tax received 13 times more than last year

communities in 2015 have already received the amount of property tax that 13 times more total revenue last year. This was announced by Head of State in Vinnytsia region DFS Miroslav Prodan. Yes, he said in 2014. received 770 hectarespH. tax, and only 7 months of 2015. - 9.9 mln. Overall in the region as of August 1, 2015 declared a tax on real estate 1,916 legal entities in the amount of 16.8 million. UAH. Another 960 individuals for the 1140 taxation objects sent tax notices - decisions on tax amount of over 1.2 mln. UAH. PG DFS in Vinnitsa region PrIt was reported at the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/