At Vinnytsia individuals will partially reimburse expenses for purchased in 2015 installing individual milking or refrigerated storage and cooling of milk (+ photos)

next September, in the premises of the Department of Agricultural Development RSA chaired by the first deputy head of regional state administrationsAndrew Gyzhko th session of the Commission to determine the list of individuals eligible for partial reimbursement for the installation of individual milking or cooling unit for cooling and storing milk. Note that changes according to the "Development Programme subsidiary and farming region in 2011-2015years "approved by the 39 session 6 convocation Vinnytsia Regional Council number 927 of July 14, 2015, this year at the expense of the regional budget to be provided to individuals partial refund for purchased them in 2015, new installations for individual milking or refrigerated storage and cooling mOloka. Order of the Department of Agricultural Development RSA on July 23, 2015 19 established a commission to determine the list of individuals eligible for partial reimbursement of installation or individual milking refrigeration unit for storage and cooling of milk, which consists of representatives Departamentu ahropromrozvytku Administration, Chairman of Standing Committees of Regional Council on agriculture and socio-economic development, budget and finances, the State Financial Inspection in Vinnytsia region, Vinnitsa branch of the State Enterprise "Agency of Animal Identification and Registration". Opening the meeting AndrewGyzhko stressed that it Vinnichchine first launched this program to support individual households engaged in growing cows, harvesting and delivery of milk. According to him there is no such practice in other regions of Ukraine. "We understand that 76% of milk it seems household population of Vinnitsa region. Thanks sovinnichan minutes of hard work, the region is a leader in the number of prepared milk. But these people need help and support, because in such households can be from 5 to 7 cows on hold. There are even cases of detention of 10 cows. This is quite a difficult job - keeping so many cattle are the main source of income of this category gromadyan ", - said Andrey Gyzhko. As the First Deputy Head, the authorities should understand that because these citizens actually for themselves create jobs, they just need to feel the care and support from the government. "The program, based on advice of representatives, relatively speaking, to claim family farmseredbachaye that families who hold five or more heads of cattle at home can get a loan to buy milking or cooling equipment. So this family will be able to facilitate their work. In turn, we are the regional budget will reimburse up to half the cost of installation, but not more than five thousand in sgin the family. In the regional budget for these measures provided 1 million USD ", - said Andrey Gyzhko. As of today, according to the requirements of the Procedure use of the regional budget for partial reimbursement for the installation purchased by individuals, approved the above decision of the Regional Council in August this year to the Commission podAli documents five individuals who this year bought one new install individual milking domestic producers. During the meeting, committee members reviewed the documents submitted for its consideration. It was decided to include five persons in the Register of individuals eligible for a partial refund for onePurchased new setting individual milking, the amount of the compensation is 20 000 UAH. In addition, Andrew talked to attend Gyzhko cattle owner, who also filed an application for compensation for the purchase of milking apparatus. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
