Chernivtsi the city will be another medical institution
municipal decision 68 session of the Chernivtsi City Council of the VI convocation adopted the municipal property territorial community of the entire property of the state institution "Hospital Junction Station Chernivtsi State Territorial Branch Association" Lviv Railway ". Those withaklad will be reorganized as a legal entity municipal medical institution "City hospital 1. Charter approved municipal medical institution "City hospital 1 and created a commission to reorganize the institution headed by the secretary of the city council Yaroslav Kushnirykom. Established two months the reorganization of state institution "Clean Junctionichna Hospital Chernivtsi Lviv railway station "in the municipal medical institution" City hospital 1 . Expenditures for maintenance of city hospital 1 zdisynyuvatymutsya within the total budget allocations for 2015 to health. "We plan to create a diversified city municipal hospital with modern laboratory center - Rabiesas Mayor Alex Kaspruk. - First of all you need to completely replace all utilities, arrange a new ventilation system, capitally repair the roof, replace windows, insulate the facade, to reconstruct the catering and more. To make it qualitatively, start with energy for building large and currently highly energy intensive. DanO instructions to start preparing koshtorysnoi project documentation for the reconstruction of the hospital. I think that the creation of a modern city hospital is feasible and necessary task of the community. In the Chernivtsi hospital and railway workers will receive quality medical services. I have no doubt that we will do it. " This was reported in Chernivtsi citythe councilSource: