DSNS Ukraine reminds citizens rule action when it detects suspicious and explosive devices

Dear citizens! State Emergency Service of Ukraine appeals to you to be vigilant and always city ’ basic rules favorites action when it detects suspicious and explosive devices. In order to distinguish explosives from notice theas all others, should Add ’ their favorites characteristic features: - Objects or strangers is unusual for this situation or territories; - Availability of sounds that are heard on the subject (the ticking clock signals over a certain period of time), blinking indicator light; - Availability of sources of supply on the mechanism or next to it (batteries, accumulator batterysora, etc.); - Availability stretching wires or wires that extend the mechanism to a great distance; - The subject can be hung on a tree or left on the bench. Most explosive devices can be found in public places. So if you see a suspicious object on the street: -Immediate call for Mr. Rescueerom 101 or the police department at the number 102; -poperedte passers-by of the possible danger; -ochikuyuchy the arrival of rescuers, outfitting something dangerous place and get away from finding a safe distance (100 m). Use the protections for any scrap materials: branches, ropes, pieces of fabric, stones, etc. If you claimerebuvayete public transport and other public places you need to be especially careful and observe the following rules: -zvertayte attention to abandoned bags, briefcases, rolls or other objects, which can be hidden improvised explosive devices; -in the case of a suspicious object immediately call button the driver negotiationdevice or otherwise inform the driver about the discovery or law enforcement; -not found open packages or bags, do not touch them and inform people about the possible dangers. It is strictly prohibited: - Touch the object and move it; - Use means rad ’ communication, mobile phones (they can provoke choicesoh); - Fill its fluids, fill with soil or covering it with something; - Touch the suspicious device and make him sound, light, heat or mechanical effect, because practically all explosives and poisonous sensitive to mechanical, sound effects and heating. If disaster and could not avoid an explosion, it is important notlosing control and not to panic: -sprobuyte clarify and calm down the situation; -or in any case do not use open fire; -zi destroyed buildings should proceed carefully, without touching the damaged structures and wires; -When required smoke ’ sure to protect respiratory soaked handkerchief, a cloth or towel; -on opportunities and the necessary knowledge and skills domedychnu provide first aid to the victims; -dochekaytesya arrival of representatives of the emergency services and subsequently act on their instructions; -if explosion occurred on public transport, you must first of all fulfill all the commands of the driver or team that announced coursesbut. Memory ’ Yatai! One of the main causes of accidents, surf ’ connected with explosive devices – gross violation of basic safety rules. Defuse the bomb or explosion can localize trained specialists only after the withdrawal of people from the danger zone. If you find a suspicious object immediately informRescue is the number 101 and the police by calling 102.

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/