In Vinnitsa region attract over a hundred unemployed in public works to educate the public about the procedures for obtaining housing subsidies (+ photos)

"Given the forecasted increase in the number of people who will apply for writing grants approaching heating period and the corresponding burden on the social security services and the purpose iskonomiyi local budgets Cabinet of Ministers decided to increase during the peak number of employees subsidy issue to the public, the number of unemployed. Wages paid in them to employment centers, "- The chairman of the regional state administration Valery Cow during a conference call2 September. About the organization in working to attract the unemployed in public works to educate the public about the procedures for obtaining housing subsidies, informed participants of the meeting director of Vinnytsia Regional Employment Anatoly Oliynyk. "Over the last two weeks of Vinnytsia regional employment center worked with organizational keequator regions on developing the mechanism to attract additional workers from unemployment to help social services - he said. The official stressed the need for introduction to administrative documents of village, town and city councils relevant decisions for inclusion in the list of paid public works inform uselennya about how to obtain housing subsidies and work on documentation. Based on these decisions we will make financing of these works through fund employment center. "We have the means - about one million hryvnia to pay for public works, so we are ready to begin work with the base village and town councils, which NALahodzhena cooperation already today ", - assured Anatoly Oliynyk. As the official, the need for additional workers, according to the places of more than 90 people, but in the process may be involved 150 unemployed. Employees of the department of social services that work with the unemployed should be proinstruktoWani on the procedure of providing housing subsidies under the simplified system conditions and providing loans for energy efficiency measures. Relevant instructions were heads of district employment centers. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
