Chernigov: Legal aid

IDPs in Ukraine implemented a large-scale project that aims to promote the legal protection of citizens who are forced to leave the occupied and dangerous territory. The program is implemented by the Danish Council for Refugees and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in20 regions of our country, including in the Chernihiv region. Partner of the project is in the Chernihiv region Chernihiv Civic Committee for Human Rights. As part of the IDPs from the occupied territories and combat zones informed through the media about their legal rights, remedies and availability of legal services. Kvalifikovani lawyers provide comprehensive free legal advice and support, legal assistance, including in national and international courts, legal issues concerning the status of internally displaced persons receiving social guarantees and benefits, employment, and re-registration of ownership documents for compensation of damagedrives or lost property as a result of the fighting, and more. For legal aid and other information on its status as forced migrants staying in Chernihiv region, may apply to Chernihiv Civic Committee for Human Rights at ul.Gorkogo 57, Chernihiv, 14000, telephone "hot dchoyiliniyi ": (0462) 612-532. According to Chernihiv Civic Committee for Human Rights
