In Chernivtsi region in school - with gifts from GAI (+ photos) On the eve of the Day of Knowledge
to Orshivskoho orphanage « Chamomile » Bukovinskoy visiting workers and traffic police deputy chief of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernivtsi region Igor Doholich. Long chiefs have tried to kids started in school with good mood andidchuttyam care of them. With warm regards academic excellence, meaningful and interesting trip to the country knowledge to boys and girls turned chief STI of MIA of Ukraine in Chernovtsy region Vadim Sushynskyy. From their mentors wards were brand new school bags. Picked up their chiefs, taking into account age — separately for children Molodshyh class, middle-aged and older. In turn, children caring assured guests that staratymutsya to bring in a good backpack bag-assessment, teachers rave reviews. Press Service of STI of MIA of Ukraine in Chernovtsy regionSource: