In the Ternopil region in TNPU solemn Dedication of first-year students

Solemn Dedication to freshmen students of Ternopil National Pedagogical University univnrsytetu. V. Hnatiuk held on 31 August. Participating in the event were Head of Regional State Administration Stepan Barna and Director of Education Lubomir Krupa. "Studiesntstvo - special time in everyone's life - said the head area. - I, a graduate of this university is very pleased to welcome a new generation that sits at the college ranks. I wish you inspiration, desire to learn and improve. I wish to find their way and life and confidently step out of it. Let the years in the university will be the best. " Article?pagne Barna noted that many university professors and students defended independence with arms in the zone ATO. He also thanked the charity events that conduct in the institution to support the troops. Then the head of the region awarded the distinction of "Honored Worker of Science" doctor of historical sciences Lesia Aleksiyevych and distinction "Honored greaters for Education "Doctor of Education Gregory Tereshchuk. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State Administration
