Transcarpathian Region: the situation on the "fire front" critical. Rescuers again urged citizens to stop burn dry grass and shrubs

daily information on fire in the area do not provide grounds for optimism. Since the beginning of the year in the land of fires occurred in 1659 and the same period last year there were 1035. The original boom, primarily sprycommitted by fires in ecosystems edge. The higher the temperature, the more challenges in the Transcarpathian military firefighters. This confirmation of the last three days. Thus, in August 28-30, with 87 fires registered in the 76 ecosystems emerged in the region. Basically burning dry grass and bushes. While operational-rescue service also almosttion Day encourages citizens to stop samopaly dead wood, garbage or other rubbish and fire trucks continue to go on the Elimination grass fire. The main reason for such a gun – human factor. Sadly, Krayany not particularly concerned about how much suffering is not only the environment but also all of us. Our people are afraid thatburning debris into the air accompanied by a considerable number of hazardous substances. A spontaneous fire near the landfills can cause a real ecological disaster. By rule, the combustion process in the following about ’ yektah accompanied by the release into the air of a « bouquet » any toxins and poisons. And we then inhale.Another aspect - are very difficult to extinguish the fire. To eliminate them need to involve a significant number of rescue forces, fuel and machinery for a long time. It is worth noting that almost every year in Service « 101 » area through burning dry vegetation recorded cases of injury, and even death. And 2015 was no exception, coly due to careless handling of fire by burning grass and trash are burned and injured Krayany street facilities. Most interesting is that everyone knows where it may lead, but everyone thinks it will not happen to him. Transcarpathian forecasters message again announced that the 31 August and first of September in the plains and foothills ofTranscarpathian region is expected heatwave 35-37 & deg ;. In most of the high (4th grade), sometimes extreme (grade 5) fire hazard. During the heats for the emergence of large-scale fires outstanding enough even cigarette butts carelessly thrown to the side, because the speed of propagation of fire (especially when Wuface dry and windy weather) is extremely high, and locate it on open areas difficult. So DSNS Office of Ukraine in the Transcarpathian region once again emphasizes the need for strict compliance with fire regulations, including dry, hot weather, rescuers urged to be very cautious while smoking, do not throw cigarette butts on the dry MayAVU not kindle fire near dry vegetation, forest plantations, fields. Shalt see to it that children do not play with matches and lighters. Do not be indifferent if notice smoke, corruption or weak fire! Extinguish ignition of dry grass at the beginning easily — enough to pour a bucket of water on it or throw on the ground. Only jointrescue efforts and conscious attitude of citizens can create a reliable barrier against fire, so to protect themselves and the nature of the loss. In DSNS Ukraine in the Transcarpathian region
