Volyn region: pyrotechnics DSNS cleared 33 ammunition times of World War 2
27-28 August Rescue « 101 » Ratne from residents, Rozhyshche, Shatsky district received several reports of suspicious objects similar to the explosive. For their raising and disposal to the address etc.ybuly employees of pyrotechnic Works rescue squad of special purpose Office DSNS in Volyn region. Rescuers examined the place finds dangerous and lifted from the ground 33 ammunition from World War II – 32 artillery shells and a mortar mine. Munitions were taken to a safe place outside populationlocalities and destroyed by explosive demolition. In Volyn YTD pyrotechnics UDSNS Ukraine in the Volyn region disposed 664 ammunition and second world wars. UDSNS Ukraine in the Volyn regionSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/