Volynyanyna condemned for failure to mobilize
Man did not come to the commissariat, received a summons on conscription in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As a result, received a sentence - two years' imprisonment with a probation period of one year. Volynyanyn was at the military registration Ratne-Starovyzhivskiy joint regional armyself- Commissariat. So, receiving a summons on conscription, the man had to appear before the relevant body. However, by recruiting bound to military service came. By doing volynyanyn committed a criminal offense. So by ignoring the summons and avoidance of mobilizing police opened criminal proceedings, redbachene century. 336 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. During the preliminary investigation between the prosecutor and the accused signed an agreement on recognition of guilt. Having reviewed the criminal proceedings Ratne District Court approved an agreement and therefore the accused has appointed two years imprisonment with a probation period of one year. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Wolinviv regionSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/