Rivne region: the day registered 4 cases of dry grass fires, nutrient balances and debris Within

days of Rivne rescuers made four trips to the elimination of dry grass fires, nutrient balances and garbage in open areas. These fires occurred in Mlyniv, Kostopil, Dubrovytsya areas and Rivne. None of the peoplewere not injured. The cause of all fires – human factors, such as careless handling of fire citizens. Dear citizens! Memory ’ Yatai basic rules of fire safety fire risk during the summer period, do not leave the fire unattended divorced, do not burn garbage and crop residues in windy weather, do not throw to semlyu nezahasheni cigarette butts. Take care of your own manor and the environment from the destructive force of fire. PG DSNS in Rivne region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/