In Transcarpathia frequent road accidents involving drivers - motorcycles (+ photos)
In Transcarpathia fairly motorcycle owners love « caracole » on roads, in cities and in villages. Inattention, « PR » dvohkolisnyh drivers « iron horses » very often the cause of accidents. Most road-transportlence accidents involving motorcyclists occur in the spring, summer and autumn for winter « well with the wind » not train in such a capricious vehicle.
So, for example by not the full month of August, on the roads of the region happened nine accidents involving motorcycles in which one person was killed and eight travmuvalosya. Zokremand, on August 21, late at night, 30 year old driver « Sportezh KIA » driving home on the highway « Valley-Hust & raquo ;, in the village. Mizhhirya in passing direction moving behind him on the motorcycle brands « Viper » 17 year old young man. Car driver did not appreciate the traffic situation and began to make a U-turn. Tych time motorcycle driver, notselecting safe distance, collided with the car.