In Lviv police suspected of murdering a pensioner drinking companion
during the fight that occurred between the two men in Mostys'ka, 70-year-old pensioner struck his companions stabbed in the stomach, as a result of which he died. In Mostyska police station, 23 August at 21.10, was reported by local workers centerflax District Hospital, that the street Yaroslav the Wise was found the body of a man with no signs of life. Departure to the scene investigative team found that the victim - 53-year-old unemployed resident Mostyska, who lived nearby. During the inspection body experts found the deceased stabbed in the abdomen. On this fact ofCrete criminal proceedings under Part 1 st.115 (intentional murder) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Sanction article provides for punishment of imprisonment for a term of seven to fifteen years. Also, the police found that the day from 18.00 to 21.00 dead along with his 70-year-old retired friends were drinking alcohol in the street. During nespodivanohConflict of 53-year-old man hit his friend in the face with his fist. More men relocated to the apartment pensioner, where he hit his friend with a knife in the stomach. The wounded man left the house and died in the street. The issue of the election for the suspect a preventive measure. The police establish the circumstances of the event. Press servicesand the Interior Ministry of Ukraine in Lviv regionSource: