In Ternopil psychologists, rescuers took part in the meeting of experts methodical association of psychological services

Education Management Psychologists DSNS Ukraine in Ternopil region took part in the methodical association of psychological services education specialists, held on August 21 at the secondary school and of Ternopol s -IIItupeniv 19. The event on the theme « Crisis psychological assistance in the modern social and political situation » conducted to establish cooperation with psychological assistance during the crisis. Psychologists rescue shared their experience with educators working towards providing psychological assistance to internally displaced persons, which inwere in the Ternopil region of Donetsk and Lugansk regions – areas of the antiterrorist operation. Employees DSNS noted that they attach great importance to comfort and stabilization of immigrants adapt to new conditions of life, and finding solace reserves the diagnostic and correctional and rehabilitation work in institutionseducation, attracting students and volunteers active educational and developmental activities outside school hours. They also stressed the importance of implementation in schools, where children get to IDPs, psychological games and other psychotherapeutic techniques that contribute to a positive social and psychological environment. Much attention during the meeting was paid to the peculiarities of interaction with other psychologists, experts in the crisis counseling. Also, experts of psychological services DSNS discussed with the audience the main theoretical approaches to the concept of crisis and crisis management and conceptual approaches and modern methods of regulation crisis, considered alhorytmy psychological assistance to people in crisis and during the crisis experience and a number of other important issues.
