Ternopil, started the first tournament of mini-football memory soldier "Aydar" Andrei Yurkevich

The grand opening ceremony was held at the site near the central stadium of Ternopil. The initiator of the meeting is the regional council and municipal institution "Youth Ternopil Regional Methodological Center". "Independence Day of our country, the regional councilsand initiates tournament in memory of our hero Andriy Yurkevich, who gave his life for our unity, defending Ukrainian land from the enemy, - said Vasily Hominets, addressing the participants. - The tournament will be held regularly - every year on August 24. None of those guys who died defending the country's independence in Donbass shouldpaamyati remain forever in generations. It was her Andrew and another 62 of those killed residents Ternopil, we make every day tribute and sincere prayer for their souls light - thanks to them our land not plyundruye Russian boots. Their names must be named streets, schools, organize competitions or tournaments - future generations must know and remember Heroeat the example of their life must grow a new generation - free, courageous and svobodolyubovi. " At the opening ceremony of the tournament was attended by governors Stepan Barna, deceased wife Christine Jurkiewicz and his father - Michael. That he was granted the right of first hitting the ball. Compete to win and honor to receive transitional cup nine comAndes. Winners will be determined. Reference. Andrew M. Jurkiewicz (pseudo "Grizzly") was born on 18 April 1982. He studied at the Ternopil school number 13, took part in all possible competitions, contests, quests, KVN-ah. A soldier sports club "sorcerer" (m. Ternopil), social activist, an active participant in the events on the Maidan, in particulara confrontation between 18-20 February 2014. After the war in the East joined the battalion "Aydar" and in its composition took part in the liberation Lugansk region, diary veteran social network. Terrorists killed in an ambush on the road happiness Metalist, near the village Merry Mount on Sept. 5, 2014. After the death of his wife Hero HristoJurkiewicz published a book on the memories of the Revolution Square and Advantages "My Revolution" written by Andrew. He finished writing a story for two weeks before you go east volunteer. He wrote at night: "I must have time to do it, otherwise I torment the conscience." He wanted change and wanted so that people have changed. Reading the book will know that difficulties had USDAta young patriots, to see firsthand the truth about the fighting in the Institute, on how to save the sights of a sniper wounded colleagues and carried the bodies. Memories Andrei Yurkevich make it clear that prompted young people, without thinking, straight from the Maidan, go to the front to defend the Motherland. By - http: //www.wikiwand.com This was reported in the press service of the Ternopil regional council

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/