In Vinnitsa region was opened multimedia stelae and Heavenly hundreds of fallen heroes ATO (+ photos)

Day and National Flag of Ukraine on the eve of celebration of 24th anniversary of Independence of Ukraine, on the European Square winery opening ceremony multimedia stelae and Heavenly hundreds of fallen heroes ATO . The opening was attendedRSA chairman Valery Cow, Regional Council Chairman Sergei scrolls in. about. Mayor Sergey Morgunov, representatives of executive authorities and local authorities, relatives of the victims, members of ATO, vinnichane. The event began honoring the memory of lost All-Ukrainian minute of silence. Opened monument to fallen childrens military - Andrew Kulibaba - Buhovo and Anastasia Biloshkurska. At the ceremony gave word of the deceased soldier son Victor Kulibaba-Buhovo who read a patriotic poem about the events in the area ATO. This ceiling will remind everyone of our fellow countryman, of all who gave their lives for peace day, independent indivisible state. At a special shieldedno, built-in granite stele placed photos and a summary of the circumstances under which killed 121 in the area of ??ATU fighter from Vinnitsa region. "The one who died for their homeland, one of whom do not forget, he is immortal. I would like to apologize to the parents that did not keep the children, to worship the children for what they will grow up without parents. PHILOSOPHYI life is that man who gave his life for the country will be remembered forever. We will do everything to be worthy of our heroes. Eternal memory of our heroes. Glory to Ukraine! "- Said Valery cow. Addressing the audience, Sergey Morgunov expressed gratitude to all who came to honor the heroes of hundreds of Heaven and all the heroes Imo killed in the East, protecting our country from the enemy: "We always have to remember that thanks to their heroic deeds we live under peaceful skies. We can work, live, look to the bright future. I bow fathers and mothers for your sons. Glory to the heroes! Glory to Ukraine!". In turn, Chairman of the Regional Council Sergey scrolls in his whistUPI noted: "We honor the memory of our heroes who died for independence and territorial integrity of our country. In their honor opened monuments, stone bust. They return to us in stone and bronze. Soldiers who died, will remain in our hearts, in memory of future generations. In our hearts will live forever people who poklAli lives for the freedom and independence of our country. Eternal memory to the heroes! ". As part of the celebrations was laying flowers at the multimedia stelae and Heavenly hundreds of fallen heroes ATO. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
