Real Estate Market Analysis

Real estate Lviv Ukraine going through hard times. Analysts OLX examined a proposal on the real estate market in Lviv region. 2014 recorded growth OLX area offers residential and non-residential property in Lviv region at 33% compared to 2013 year. This shows not only the revitalization of actionowners, but also the more frequent use of Internet sites to find buyers. 50% increased supply of apartments, 60% more often offered in rent. 22% increase in the number of apartments for sale. But the decline recorded in the areas of land sales (1.8 times) and apartments (1.7 times), rent rooms (1.6 times).As of 2013, in 2014 the bulk of ad category "Real Estate" occupied proposals for rental apartments. Some decline in proposals was observed in the region in early 2015. Number of items concerning real estate in January decreased by 23% compared to December 2014. Currently at the site OLX published about 50 thousand.Ad Sales and rental of residential and non-residential property in Lviv region. 81% of proposals (about 40 thousand. Board) relating to Lviv, 4% - Maximus.
