As Ternopil calculated for consumed elektroenerohiyu?
In January-July 2015, a region consumed 866 million kW hours. electricity for the amount of USD 611.5 million, paid by consumers - 612.1 million hryvnia, interest payments - 100.1%. This was reported in the Department of Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Regional Administration. Aboutthinks the company paid for 101.4%; Agricultural consumers - 100%; Company housing sector - 96.8% (including water utilities - 93.5%), public institutions and organizations financed from the state budget - 99.2%; local - 101%; population - 100.7%. Calculation of benefits was 85.6% for subsidies - 78.2%. Calculation of OJSC "Ternopiloblenergo" of SE "Energy Market" in January-July 2015 amounted to 109.5%. The total debt of consumers for electricity area as of August 1, 2015 (including the debts of previous years) is 22.9 million USD, including housing and utilities sector owed 9.1 million hryvnia,including water utilities - 7.2 million, public institutions and organizations financed from the state budget - 191 thousand. UAH; Local - 16 tys.hryven; population - 12.3 million. Arrears of benefits is 2 million, in grants - 1.8 million. Debt OJSC "Ternopiloblenergo" before the State Enterprise "Energy Market" as of 01 serpnya 2015 (taking into account the debts of previous years) is 37.9 million hryvnia (restuktyryzovanyy debt - 43.4 million USD; debetorska debt in July 2015 -7.3 million UAH accounts - 1.9 million UAH: 43.4 -7.3 + 1.9 = 37.9 million USD). This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State AdministrationSource: