How many Ukrainian wait for " life in a new "?

&Quot; live a new " loudly promised us Poroshenko president during his election campaign. " Immediate reform, crime investigation on the Maidan, poverty reduction, development of economy, fighting corruption, restoring justice, equality before the law officials & quot ;,- Declared representatives in the coalition agreement " People's Front & quot ;, " Block Poroshenko & quot ;, " & quot ;, Selfreliance Radical Party and " Homeland & quot ;. Time inexorably running out, and actual results of current government team is not yet visible. With the exception of major price increase is necessary and hearthlshoho deteriorating standard of living. Ukraine is in a difficult situation. The aggression of the imperialist and the loss of Ukrainian lands require extraordinary and decisive action. No time for rolling out. From the speed and power of principled actions depend on our future. Defeat the enemy can, if thus become strong, developed, advanced, Dynamic. However, this did not seem to understand neither the president nor the prime minister or members of the coalition in parliament. When watching as simulated battle with corrupt, still does not work as advertised Anti-Corruption Bureau, is aware that the coalition has no desire to deal with them. When you see how the economy is falling into the abyss, fleeing investors velocityrochuyutsya jobs, you know that is no reason to reduce the tax burden and improve the business environment does not exist. When prosecutors, police, traffic police, judges suspected of corruption, instead of being behind bars, roam at large, fled the country or out at will for ransom, come to the conclusion that almostnothing from the time Yanukovych has not changed. In the country there are old " rules & quot ;. When the oligarchs continue to suck the juices out of state, are fierce wars for the remains state property not returned any dollar from offshore - this means that they still feel in Ukraine like dumplings in sour cream, seasoned and successful politics or economy. Col.Ukrainian income quickly and fall, the national currency depreciated three times, the economy fell by 20% and no one bore responsibility for it, suggests the idea that it does not like " life in a new & quot ;. When the rampant smuggling of Donbass, Ukraine occupied territories regularly provides all necessary, and Ukrainian army on the orders of seniorcommand behaves as if being in a strange land, it seems that the state run by people deprived of their national identity and consciousness. Politicians who are now at the helm, before the elections, said: " It will take a year - and you do not recognize the country & quot ;. " will live in a new, free, comfortably, honestly, safe & quot ;. A year passes,but the signs " life in a new " something not observed. But there are other, not very pleasant symptoms. As history shows, all Ukrainian politicians who did not want to spend real reform, and change the system " rules & quot ;, resorted primarily to changes in the Constitution. This trick uses the universal and the current coalition. KAnd if you can not or do not want to carry out reforms put corrupt officials and oligarchs shaking feathers, nouveau riche, the best thing you can do - change the Constitution to declare regular and hide behind them. How many more have to wait Ukrainian government to finally start working on them? A year, two, or even 24 years? Every day it is becoming evident that the level of pvitohlyadu current government, including the president and prime minister, does not meet the needs and requirements of Ukrainian society. And while not overcome the gap between the interests of the state far from ordinary Ukrainian officials and for which the state and its own future - above all forward movement impossible. This was reported in the press service of the Volyn regional organizatsiyi PA " Freedom "
