In Lviv appeared outdoor exhibition of posters Galicians and people from Donbass
from 6 August in Lviv at the intersection of Armenian and Krakow, and on the second floor of City Hall, expanded social exposure photo project "We are united Ukraine." The project consists of eighteen posters, which are compared to immigrants from Galicia and Donbass. Prat the press service of the Lviv City Council. « Ukrainian – registration is not the level of patriotism is not measured by the place of birth, and the soul is not determined by the Ukrainian city of residence. Suffice it to think stereotypes look to see similarities rather than differences, rather shun instead understand and help & raquo ;, – explains the main idea of ??the exhibition authorideas and project coordinator, journalist Mar ’ wooden P ’ yetsuh. In total, nine indicated slogans exhibitions ’ Five features that about ’ connects people from west and east of Ukraine. This tradition, history, melody, language, courage, honor, sacrifice, obsession, invincibility. Every feature reflects the image of the two heroes – Galicianand donechchanyna. Thus, under the theme « We are united by tradition » Greek Catholic priest Tikhon Kullback, originally from Mar ’ yinky in Donetsk, tells how the baby went caroling. A military chaplain from the city of Sousse Stephen also recalls his childhood carols, adding that, as well as in the Donbas, Lviv region in Soviet times publicly kolyaduvAta was undesirable. Lviv Mar poet and publisher ’ Jan Sawka, who hails from Ternopil, under the theme « We are united by history » talks about his family, which suffered from the communist regime. On the next poster Donetsk historian and writer Dmitry White tells how in the Kuban region of origin of his parents Ukrainian, conductedforcible Russification and hard fought displays Ukrainians. Assault soldier-volunteer company « Carpathian Sich » at 93-th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Alexander Lee Dobropole Donetsk region and Ukraine hranatometnyk National Guard from Stryi, Lviv region, Mar ’ Yang Berezdetskyy under the theme « We are united by courage » talk about their most difficult moments in Battlefield Donbass. The founder of the agency known for the production of patriotic products « Nash Format » Kirichenko from Donetsk Vladislav tells how he began to publish audio books in Ukrainian market, which did not exist, and therefore lost hundreds of thousands of dollars. A restaurateur from Ivano-FrankovskSkye Fylyuk Yuri divided his idea to make the best hometown street in the world. These two characters about ’ united slogan « We are united obsession & raquo ;. Together under the theme « We are united formidable » about ’ united real marriage – Irene Rozdobudko writer who hails from Donetsk, and the famous bard Igor Zhuk, who was born Mr.and Lviv. The slogan « We are united honor » UPA veteran embody Dyachun Theodore, who was born in the region, and veteran ATO from Donetsk Vladimir Shilov. Donechchanyn in 2004 spoke out against presidential candidate Viktor Yanukovych, as the « back « urku » dignity would not allow police colonel & raquo ;. In yourate also involved Lviv singer Salome Chubay, which together with Yulia Kulinenko a party folk ensemble from Donetsk, proving by example: « We are united melody & raquo ;. Agreed to take part in the project known volunteer from Ternopil Taras Herman, who along with designer clothes from Donetsk Leonid Krasnopolskyi, transonuyut: « We are united sacrifice & raquo ;. Donechchanynu Leonid Krasnopolskyi had to sit in the basement of his native city, his studio on his own initiative undertaken to make the shape of Ukrainian military. Incidentally, Krasnopolskyi stresses that, although he Jewish nationality, but with the war in Donbas felt like a real Ukrainian. PhoneCall estsenaryst Fedorchuk and journalist from Donetsk Mar ’ wooden P ’ yetsuh starred for two-year project with their children. Speaking of kids their first words, they tried to convey that « We are united by language & raquo ;. Call that by the spring of 2014, the year she lived in Donetsk, even in the eighth grade passed from Russian to Ukrainian communication andher little daughter already captured a half years vocative form of the Ukrainian language, referring to parents « Mom » and « Tattoo & raquo ;. By the way, almost all participants of Donbass remember that their grandmother, grandparents spoke Ukrainian and total Russification region – This is a consequence of the relevant policies of the Soviet government, and not a signGda?sk ethnic population. « This project – attempt to influence the common stereotypes of « Donetsk » as « nedoukrayintsiv » or « nedopatriotiv & raquo ;. This project, I hope, will be a discovery for those who have never been in Donbas, was not interested in Donetsk team names known and previously painted a serednostatystychnyy image « Donetsk » as a miner or criminal stained item & raquo ;, – says the author of the idea Mare ’ wooden P ’ yetsuh. Her idea was supported NGO « Internews-Ukraine is & raquo ;, along with the Program « Matra » Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in December 2014year launched an information campaign « We are different, we are together & raquo ;. Campaign Objectives – promote the unity of the country through the integration of IDPs into local communities, and create conditions for future reintegration of the occupied territories today. A similar outdoor exhibition will also be deployed in Ternopil and Kyiv. « go onS Galicians compared with the Donetsk inspired me acquainted with two settlers from Donetsk. While one of them, social activist, journalist Stanislav Fedorchuk know more than a decade ago. Always knew him as a principled and consistent Ukrainian patriot from Donetsk. But when Fedorchuk was in the « firing lists »separatists and had to settle with seven ’ tsiey in Lviv, he suddenly faced with total « donetskofobiyeyu & raquo ;. For example, for months sought shelter in Lviv heard their side in pangs of many local people, and everything that has the Donetsk registration. What turns twenty three years Galicians screaming « East and West together! & Raquo ;, but forhen « raquo ;, east escape & death, came for the west, there before him shut the door. Second familiarity which inspired talk more about Galicians « Donetsk & raquo ;, happened with Father Tikhon Kullback. At Christmas he organized a crib in Lviv with the participation of persons with Donbass. Then I had two discoveries. First, the Donbas existTh Greek Catholic priests! It turns out that only in Donetsk before the war was Mr ’ Five Greek Catholic parishes. Although still was convinced that the exclusive Orthodoxy there ’ i. And the second thing that struck me: in Donetsk can sing! Why am I surprised? Indeed, in 2001, together with Lviv « Education of Youth » we went to DonetskSchool nativity set. Then we met with an absolute lack of understanding of Ukrainian traditions, children Herod called the « Yley Muromets & raquo ;, Angel – « feey & raquo ;. Now, after meeting with Kullback and after stories about the traditions of his town in Donetsk, understand – It is not people, and in a tough policy on denationalization was Donbasi which unfortunately continued for an independent Ukraine. For most, feared thence rulers – about ’ Ukrainian unity. It's meant to lose its economic and political influence over the electorate. Questions of history, language, traditions, etc. always artificially rozkruchuvalosya exclusively to hold influence over the region to residents of Donbassin themselves believe that they are different than other Ukrainian and deserve special treatment. Therefore, capitalizing « the thought of Donbas & raquo ;, which is « we must hear & raquo ;, regional political and business clans could blackmail Kyiv its impact on the region, arguing that only they are able to keep the situation under control & raquo ;, – such bachyt reasons for the critical situation of self-identification of people in the Donbas project coordinator Mar ’ wooden P ’ yetsuh. In her opinion, despite the horrors of those who brought a war in Ukraine, forced internal migration gave the Ukrainian a chance to know each other and finally realize a real pretentious slogans about mental ’ unification. To continueideas to bring more information about people from Donbass journalist has also created a site, which will gradually be filled with stories of outstanding Donetsk. Explore fotopostery you can link