Members of Ternopil city council appealed to the head of RSA to settle the issue of garages on the street. Textile
at the next session of the Ternopil City Council MPs adopted an appeal to the Chairman of the Ternopil Regional State Administration Stepan Barna with a request to resolve the issue of granting land owners garages on street. Textile. Indeed, in this area almost twenty years are more than a thousand garages Ternopil, and now the court quashed the right of permanent land and transferred the right to dispose of it OSA. « As a result, the rights may be violated numerous Ternopil, seeking a legitimate way to obtain land for garages in private ownershipand legalize their garages enjoyed for years, and now they are under threat of demolition - referred to in treatment. - Please ensure the rights over thousands of Ternopil, who enjoyed more than twenty years of garages on the territory of Ternopil State Scientific and Technical Enterprise « Ray » and decide beforeachu land owners garages & raquo ;. Recall that the city council in recent years were active work on the free transfer of land ownership to members of garage cooperative. Almost every session to the deputies brought out the appropriate solutions. We provide a full text of the address: The Head of Ternopil Regional derMILITARY administration Barney SS Dear Stepan! During the years 2013-2015 with the participation of the city council and Ternopil, who used the garage on the territory of Ternopil State Scientific and Technical Enterprise « Ray & raquo ;, active work on free transfer of land ownership to indievidualnoho garage building garage cooperative members. In particular, for this purpose it was decided Ternopil City Council on 28 October 2014 6 / 52/114 « granting permission for the division of the land area 5,7575ha the address. Textile, which is in constant use firm KP « Ternopilbudinvestzamovnyfor » Ternopil City Council & raquo ;. Overall, Ternopil City Council initiated the privatization of land for individual garages in Ternopil and consistently goes to the meeting garages, service cooperatives and their members. These are numerous similar decisions taken Ternopil City Council. Today, because of court decisions on the abolition of the right of permanent use, not Ternopil City Council manages the site at the address. Textile in the territory of Ternopil State Scientific and Technical Enterprise « Ray & raquo ;. The decision to dispose of it passed to the jurisdiction RSA. Furthermore, in accordance with the provisions of Zemelnoho Code, land status is returned to the category of defense can not be used for construction of individual garages. Consequently, the violated rights can be numerous Ternopil, seeking a legitimate way to obtain land for garages in private ownership and legalize their garages enjoyed many years, and now theyunder threat of demolition. Please ensure the rights over thousands of Ternopil, who enjoyed more than twenty years of garages on the territory of Ternopil State Scientific and Technical Enterprise « Ray & raquo ;, and decide on the transfer of land owners garages. Statements made at the sixty-first session Ternopilskoyi city council August 18, 2015. This was reported in the Ternopil City CouncilSource: