On the eve of Independence Day of Ukraine in the Cathedral pray for the health of participants ATU

initiative for joint prayers for the health of participants ATO urged to support representatives of all churches Ternopil Oblast State Administration Chairman Stepan Barna during a meeting of churches and religious organizations. Worship inidbudetsya eve of Independence Day of Ukraine on August 19 at the Cathedral, the beginning - at 10:00. "This should be a common position of all clergy region - said Stepan Barna. - I thank the priests for their support of the army, the military support in the area of ??ATU, the financial assistance that we organize together and send Mr.and front. Voice of counseling has great power to fight for the establishment of new principles and scrapping the old system. Our first area of ??the indexes allocated land participants ATO, is more than 500 sites that have demobilized soldiers. We, together with the fiscal services go to the places and study the legality percentedur land allocation. Also, soldiers turn get free medical care and medical and psychological rehabilitation in the health care field. We feel the strong support of the clergy in the implementation of these measures. " On the eve of Independence Day, 23 August, clergy consecrate national flags. "In factrnopoli in oblast cities, regional centers Aug. 23 raise national flags. This flags that were brought from the area ATO our soldiers. After their consecration we may honor a moment of silence defenders of state, who gave their lives during the fighting in the east "- added Stepan Barna. This was reported in Ternopil oblderzhadministratsiyi

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/