Ternopil region, rescuers helped the family IDPs from Lugansk

Many residents of the eastern regions of Ukraine in search of safety fleeing from the area of ??counter-terrorism operations. Because of difficult circumstances they are forced to leave their homes and seek refuge in other regions of Ukraine. Many people come in and Ternopilschynu. In particular, February 12 at 2:40 at the railway station Ternopil family came from the city of Golden Lugansk region. Three adults in 1951, 1954 and 1978 and the birth of children in 2003 and 2006 birth. On arrival temporarily displaced persons Ternopil rescuers warned ahead of time, so for newcomers are expected. Employees DSNSmet internally displaced persons registered with ’ yasuvaly problems and suggestions and helped them get a temporary residence. Currently, people are provided with housing and other necessities and are extremely grateful to emergency personnel for their support and assistance. Rescuers continue willing to lend a helping hand to everyone that rubebuye. No citizen of Ukraine, seeking refuge in the region, will be left without attention, because DSNS slogan: « Prevent! Save! Help! &Raquo;

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/