In the Carpathian region in all districts rescuers conduct extensive mass-explanatory work among the population in the hot summer period in

BC ’ connection with the establishment of dry hot weather in the Carpathian region, workers in DSNS in conducting a broad mass roses ’ yasnyuvalnu work among population about safety rules zhyttyediyalnspine in the summer. Particular emphasis is placed on fire safety in the region and ecosystems while relaxing on the waters. In all areas of Ivano-Frankivsk rescuers conduct raids waters in the area and towns. In reservoirs – on the banks of rivers and lakes – remind people of the importance of observance of rules of conductwater, suggest the statistics of accidents, emphasizing that water does not excuse negligence, sometimes fatal moment one can take away the life that no one in power to return. Especially vacationers are advised to watch out for small children, do not let themselves to swim, teach children safe behavior since childhood, only to teenagers and young peopleThey strictly adhered to the rules. Also, people emphasize that you should not swim in unfamiliar places, go into the water drunk or in poor health, do not abuse the long exposure to the sun. For clarity, they tell of the tragic incidents on the water that occurred in this year and handed out leaflets warning Haractor. Also Carpathian rescuers great attention to massively Rose ’ yasnyuvalniy work among the population on observance of fire safety rules during the summer in ecosystems, especially in these days when the thermometer indicator falls below 30 degrees. After all fires that occur in this period in public areas Carpathian chrychyneni is careless handling of fire people – burning dry grass on the yard and stubble residues in fields, outstanding fire during a vacation in the woods, thrown a match while walking – These all revolve negligence fires with high material costs, and even with human victims. So workers territories?cial field units in all districts are facing population, farmers, forest users, reminding them fire safety rules while working in the field, are strongly recommended not to travel by car forests, limit the rest of ecosystems, handing city ’ interest and postcards. Such measures Carpathian lifesaverand carried out systematically, and on weekends – also, with the assistance of law enforcement agencies and other relevant services, such as direct contact lives – One of the most effective ways to strengthen fire protection of forests and natural ecosystems in these hot days and protect human life while enjoying the outdoors.
