In the Rivne region brawl State emergency services rescued a man from a 20-meter well

on August 13 at 10:20 in the operative duty service of the Department DSNS was reported that in the village of Rivne region Kolodenka at the private sector in the well deeper than 20 m man needs help. Toscene on a signal « Anxiety » went another unit of the 3rd State Fire and Rescue parts of the regional center. At the scene of ’ it turned out that 40-year-old spent cleaning the well. When lifting a bucket of clay broken rope and load man fell on his head. The man lost consciousness. Eyewitnesses events bucketssy caused rescuers. Using rescue ropes and special equipment Chief Warrant civil protection Theodore Marynchuk down a well. OBV ’ yazavshy man harnesses equipment, Rescue fighters cautiously raised the unconscious man to the surface and passed into the hands of doctors. Rescued been taken tolocal hospital. PG DSNS Ukraine in Rivne region
