Chernivtsi: Job Vacancies teaching staff
teaching staff in schools Chernivtsi (As of August 10, 2015) Name of institution, tel., Location Subject Navan-tazhennya Lyceum 1, tel .. 55-07-20vul.Shteynbarha 2 Biology (temporary) 7:00 "National defense" (permanent seat) 55:00 The circle of military-patriotic work (permanent seat) 0.5 rate Gymnasium 2, tel. 51-15-21vul..Holovna 73 English (permanent seat) 9:00 German (temporary) 16 hours Ukrainian Language and Literature (temporary) 16 hours Employment training (permanent seat) 13 hours Gymnasium 3, tel. 52-66-37vul..Holovna131 English (permanent seat) 9:00 Gymnasium number 4, tel. 55-14-93vul..Schepkina 2 Informatics (permanent seat) 12:00 Mentor Daycare (temporary) 1 bet English (temporary) 9:00 School number 1, tel. 52-59-83vul..Eminesku 1 Practical psychologist (temporary) 0.75 rate Biology (permanentplace) 19 hours School number 4, tel. 52-62-96vul..Shevchenka, 14-16 Ukrainian Language and Literature (permanent seat) 15 hours "National defense" 4.5 hours The circle of military-patriotic work (permanent seat) 0.5 rate School number 5, tel. 52-27-11vul..L.Ukrayinky 1 Informatics (temporary) 9:00 School number 6, tel. 4-26-38vul..Komarova, 26-B InformatyCountry (permanent seat) 16 hours Technical work (permanent seat) 20 hours School number 10, tel. 52-28-12vul..Orihivska 31 English and French with knowledge of the Romanian language (temporary) 24 hours School number 11, tel. 53-98-04vul..P.-ring, 7-B Informatics (permanent seat) 18 hours School number 12, tel. 52-96-07vul..Berezhanska, 25-A The serving greatThis (temporary) 7:00 School number 13, tel. 58-98-69vul..Nemyrivska 3 Math, Physics (temporary) 14 hours School number 16, tel. 58-28-37vul..Biloruska 77 Informatics (permanent seat) 10:00 Biology, Ecology (permanent seat) 11:00 German (temporary) 18 hours School number 17, tel. 51-05-78vul..Sokyryanska 18 Initial Mr.avchannya (permanent seat) with knowledge of the Romanian language 1 bet School number 19, tel. 52-95-21vul..Hotynska 23 English (permanent seat) 13 hours School number 20, tel. 4-01-38vul..Hlibova 12 Informatics (permanent seat) 20 hours The teacher-organizer (permanent seat) 0.5 rate Secondary school 22, tel. 4-49-16vul..P.-ring, 17 English (temporary cityistse) 18 hours School number 24, tel. 4-09-10vul..Stefyuka 5 Informatics (temporary) 18 hours Mentor Daycare (temporary) 1 bet School number 25, tel. 52-63-75vul..Blahoyeva 8-A The teacher-organizer (permanent seat) 0.5 rate Practical psychologist (permanent seat) 0.5 rate School number 27, tel. 7-24-00vul..Vorobkevycha 19 Informatyka (permanent seat) 18 hours Music (permanent seat) 5:00 English (temporary) 18 hours School number 28, tel. 6-09-11vul..Ruska, 257-A Mentor Daycare (temporary) 1 bet Informatics (permanent seat) 20 hours History (permanent seat) 4.5 hours "National defense" (permanent seat) 4.5 hours Circleand the work of the OA (permanent seat) 0.5 rate School number 37, tel. 56-09-48vul..I.Pidkovy 9 Mathematics (temporary) 12:00 Biology (temporary) 9:00 The teacher-organizer (temporary) 0.25 rate School number 38, tel. 56-01-80vul..Ya.Nalepky 3 Physics (permanent seat) 18 hours "National defense" (post.) 1.5 hours The circle of military-Patryotychnoho education (post). 0.5 rate School number 39, tel. 56-07-03vul..I.Karbulytskoho 4 Mathematics (temporary) 12:00 Maintenance work (permanent seat) 8:00 School number 40, tel. 52-94-37vul..Osinnya 58 Fitness (temporary) 17 hours School number 41, tel. 52-73-67vul..Shkilna 2 Physics (temporary) 9.5 hours Fitness (adplace) 18 hours Hebrew (permanent seat) 15 hours Fine Arts (permanent seat) 1.5 hours SPC "Bereginya" tel.56-01-81vul..I.Karbulytskoho 2 Music (permanent seat) 8:00 Biology (temporary) 9:00 German (temporary) 10:00 SPC "Lovage", tel. 6-09-82vul..Ruska, 228-A History (permanent seat) 11 gone Primary Education (temporary) 2 bids Social worker (permanent seat) 0.75 rate Practical psychologist (permanent seat) 1 bet Employment training (permanent seat) 9:00 Location (permanent seat) 7:00 Wanting to find work in positions of teaching staff in schools, in the presence of coincidencesovidnoyi Education, to ask for an interview directly to the heads of secondary schools the above address. In an interview with the need to bring documents: 1) diploma of teacher education (original); 2) Ukraine passport (original); 3) identification code (original); 4) workbook (opyhinal); 5) medical book (original). This was reported in the Chernivtsi City CouncilSource: