In the Rivne region elect their own business initiative Employment

internally displaced persons in the Western region - is not easy. But those who want to work find employment by using your way to success. Thus, with the assistance of experts Sarnenski district center of employment since the beginning of 2015 are three persons clipsochatkuvaly own business. Disturbing confrontation in the East of our country leads to an increase in the number of people forced to leave their homes and seek refuge in other regions of Ukraine. As always it was excessive labor supply Polesie region settlers difficult to find work in their professional practice. Then energetic, enterprisingpeople who want to organize a new business, employment service specialists offer start-ups through to unemployment benefit once. Since 2015, three people from the IDPs have used a social service service. Start your own business of creating and decorating knitted gifts Decidesludge Anastasia Egorova, who came from the area ATO. Work experience in a young girl is not very large - less than a year working as a cashier in Lugansk shop floor, so decided to start his own business with his passion - weaving. For Anastasia is - a hobby, which taught very young girl's mum. Today, favorite activity, previously daruvalo only positive emotions, will also bring profit. Anastasia plans to knit things in order, using the original patterns, yarn quality - so looking forward to a good income. Oleg Veremeychuk got a gazelle from Mariupol. Almost 20 years Millwrights in Steel Works "Azovstal", but always dreamed pratsyuvayou are the tree. So when I came to Sarnenski area where sawmill production takes a large part in the processing industry, decided to open their own business. Oleg defended his business plan on "Sawmilling and planing of using stationary or mobile equipment." The embodiment of this vision will enableprovide for the family and develop further. Oleg Veremeychuk seeks to achieve high performance, continuously improve the organization of work, expand range of clients. And anyone who hesitates not confident in their abilities, says not afraid of risk, work on yourself and strive for success. And Employment Service is always ready to support entrepreneurial initiativesPeople who really want to work. This was reported in Rivne city employment center
