In the Rivne region traffic police check transport of dangerous goods
To prevent Incidents during Carriage of Dangerous Goods on August 5 in Rivne region initiated a complex target measures entitled "Dangerous goods". The aim of the measures - monitoring compliance with traffic agentsdangerous goods requirements of the Road transport of such goods. During the event "Dangerous goods" special attention to workers in the State will pay and completion of the technical condition of vehicles, and that the drivers necessary documents. From the beginning of these activities Derzhavtoinsp workersektsiyi Rivne already made 11 administrative protocols for drivers carrying dangerous goods. Recall that under Article 132 prym.1 Code of Ukraine on administrative offenses for violation of road transport of dangerous goods provided for the imposition of a fine: - On the water - 510 UAH; - For officialspersons - 680 UAH. Will take measures "Dangerous goods" until 30 August 2015. It was reported the press service of STI of MIA of Ukraine in Rivne regionSource: