In the Zhytomyr region rescuers continue to eliminate fire in ecosystems

High fever stanovylas in the region, increases the number of fires. Only the last day there were 22 in Zhytomyr fire in ecosystems, 19 of which - burning dry grass. Overall DSNS workers extinguished the 34.69 hectares of dead wood. The main prJi??n occurrence of fire is careless use of fire. Despite the large number of reservations, citizens continue to burn rubbish, dry grass and throw cigarette butts on the roadside. Often it turns ignition of flammable trees ’ wooden outbuildings, dry feed and devastating fires in ecosystems. In particular, 10 August at18:45 to rescuers Malyn district received information about a fire of dry grass on a street in the district center. Discovered ignition of the local service station. They tried to extinguish the fire on their own, but they could not do it. Arrived on-call specialists DSNS found that the area of ??combustion is flashingzko 1 hectare. At 20:15 the rescue efforts of fire was eliminated. Previously, fire was due to careless handling of fire by burning garbage. Flame ’ pits removed 1 hectare of dead wood. The final cause of ignition is established experts. Given the fire situation, the leadership of DSNS Ukraine in Zhytomyr regionasterihaye population does not use open flames in hot windy conditions and follow fire safety rules: burn debris safely away from buildings, under close supervision, and have a ready means of fire; do not make a fire in windy weather; cell lesions should obkopuvaty small earthen rampartTo prevent the spread of fire in dry grass. In DSNS in Zhytomyr region
