In Zhytomyr per day rescuers helped foresters in extinguishing fires in Ovrutskom Volodarsko and Volyn regions

For the past day Zhytomyr rescuers eliminated 24 fires, including eight ex dry grass on reserve lands village councils. The fire covered 12.71 hectares of land. In addition, units DSNS double roomuchalysya to extinguish fires in forests. In particular, seemed tense day for Volodarsko-Volyn rescuers. Rev 11:25 the number « 101 » was reported dry grass fire near the village Omelivka on reserve lands Krayevschynskoyi village council. The fire threatened to reach the settlement. Joint effortsand rescue the 22nd state of the Fire and Rescue firefighters and forestry agribusiness managed to prevent the spread of fire in residential sector and at 15:20 extinguish burning dry grass in the area of ??4 hectares. Immediately after this rescue units DSNS Volodasko-Volyn district and fire protection forestry agribusiness peredyslokuvalysya the neighboring territotory. On forestry woodland Chervonoarmiiskyi APC near the village. Popanino burning litter on the area of ??3 hectares. To help foresters came two fire and rescue department 22 State Fire and Rescue of 28 professional fire station. Together twilight fire was completely extinguished. Reasons currently occupied Setovlyuyutsya. Three times a day the men went and DSNS Ovruch district. In villages Hladkovychi Island and they extinguished the fire of dead wood on the area of ??1.7 hectares. And near the village Priluki, which took over the swamp and the litter, lifeguards patrolling along the forest so that the fire did not spread to the town, and assisted in extinguishingand fire forester. In total elimination of fire were involved in 9 units and fire vehicles and 80 employees Ovruchsky forestry, agriculture and forestry Slovechansko 12th state of the Fire and Rescue. It was possible to quickly extinguish forest fires in the area of ??0.7 hectares. In DSNS in Zhytomyr region
