Committee on Rules, Ethics and organization of the Regional Council heard a report Ternopil Regional Council on the use of the regional budget in the first half of 2015

August 11, a meeting of the Committee on Rules, Ethics and organization of the Regional Council, participants discussed a number of issuesb. In particular - "On the Ternopil Regional Council report on the use of the regional budget in the first half of 2015"; "On the dissolution of the Ternopil regional council deputy of the fifth convocation, elected in early elections March 15, 2015, Vladimir Vladimirovich Kaminsky"; "On approval of the project POLICYth plan areas forming communities of Ternopil region "," On the formation of city, town, village united local communities "," On the appointment of the first election of deputies of city, town and village local communities and united city, town, village heads, "" On the action plan to implement the Strategy in the years 2015-2017 develment Ternopil region until 2020 ". Having heard the information about each issue, discussing it and adding their comments and proposals deputies - members of the committee have taken appropriate action. For example, the Commission proposes a draft long-term plan to remove Zhukivsku (Berezhany district) and Budanivsku (Terebovlya district) andmake Novosel'skogo (Pidvolochysk district) Ozeryanskaya (Zbarazh district) community. This was reported in the press service of the Ternopil regional council
