Region: fire in ecosystems took longer one lives!

Forecasters predict that in the coming days in the Lviv region remain hot weather. In connection ’ connection with this, as well as a sharp increase in the number of fires arising from the burning of dry vegetation, debris and stubble rescuers conduct preventive raids in the districtaselenyh points. During this population explains fire safety, examples and consequences of fires. Some citizens mistakenly believe that by burning the remains of dried herbs help cleanse the land for faster greening, but forget that such actions threaten both the ecosystem and for health ’ I, life and property of thundercitizens. Quite a frequent are cases when the burning of stubble, uncontrolled fire thrown on houses, household buildings and kills. Despite repeated warnings about the dangers of rescuers, which carries a burning dry vegetation and debris, some citizens continue to actively burn plant remains dryspine gardens, gardens, open areas of settlements. Yes, just a weekend firefighters region was eliminated 46 fires in ecosystems, and for the last two weeks the burning of stubble killed 4 people. To prevent the risk of fire in ecosystems rescuers conduct Rose ’ yasnyuvalnu work among the population nione prevent burning dry grass, stubble and debris. To residents of the settlements city ’ yataly and followed basic safety rules, rescuers hand citizens themed postcards and city ’ interest.
