In two districts of Ternopil held forums "From unity to independence"

forum "From unity to independence" aimed at drawing attention to the significant contribution of ATO members, volunteers and all those who support the Ukrainian army, held on 10 August in the district administration Husyatyn . His work has involved members of ATO, volunteerand, farm managers, heads of departments of district administration. Opening the event, chairman of the State Administration Vitaliy whip, drew attention to the main purpose of the event. Hymn of Ukraine and a minute of silence for the victims of our contemporaries in the struggle for independence began work forum. LeaderDistrict thanked the participants for their courage ATO and faithful implementation of civic duty, and volunteers all good people are not indifferent to the fate of Ukraine and its defenders. "I believe that good works of our countryman mnozhytymutsya and help those in dire need will now forever. After all, war is not over, our help consumebuye army families in need of victims, demobilized military ", - said Vitaly Stepanovich. Gratitude district administration and District Council for the shown courage in defending the Fatherland, a significant contribution to the common cause of fighting the invaders military leaders handed Hav'yantsyu Yaroslav, Vladimir Lesik, Vitaliy MarkYves, Ivan Matsyku, Alexander Senovskomu, Bogdan Turkot, managers of individual farms. Of course, not all soldiers were able to get appreciation from local authorities. Thus, instead of a small reward Senovskoho Alexander got his daughter. She can not wait for his father to return home. Deputy HeadDepartment of Labor and Social Welfare Galaiko Victoria told the social services provided by the ATO members. Currently, as reported by O. Victoria, the Department registered 53 participants ATO and all their accrued benefits. She also reminded the participants of the registration ATO for spa treatment, replied toquestions participants. Of course, not all questions can be answered immediately. Some of them require further study. The head of the health sector State Administration Yevhen Pozharnyuk stopped for psychological rehabilitation services and physical rehabilitation. Several proposals expressed by the head of the Ternopil regional organization of "CATO ropean Union veterans' party volunteer battalion Ivan Soldak. The issue of land allocation to participants opened the branch Derzhzemahenstva lawyer Nicholas Stelmashchuk. A number of other issues (employment, transportation by private carriers, etc.) were raised at the forum, which controlled by the chairman of district administration will be solvedI. Chairman of Regional State Administration Vitaliy whip urged heads of district services as much as possible to assist in resolving issues that violate the ATO members. Also, the district supervisor asked soldiers to fully use all benefits guaranteed by the state. "Let us be united! Only in unity is our strength. And no, we are not afraid of the enemy "- Summed up the results of the forum district administration head Vitaly whip. National Anthem ended forum. August 10th such forum was held in Kremenets. Participation in the event was people's deputy of Ukraine Oleg Barna, district leaders, representatives of voluntary organizations and the media. As part of the event noted betters community members, volunteers, directors of enterprises, institutions and organizations that support the Ukrainian army and members of anti-terrorist operations. Discussed issues and the analysis of local authorities to support participants ATO. Forum participants had the opportunity to voice Deputy most exciting questions, includingabout problems stay in the area of ??Ukrainian military ATE. State Administration Chairman Serhiy Simchuk gratitude and presented awards asset volunteer Corps district, which also expressed their position on certain issues, however prozvituvaly present on the work done to promote Ukrainian military. MP stressedthat is always ready to communicate, even through social networks, which actively highlights of their activities. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State Administration
