Zhytomyr police found weapons in a minor, who came to the public hearing on RSA

During inspection of the surface of things the youth militia and SSU found object looks like a gun, the guy who tried to smuggle into the room RSA. Weapons seized and sent for expert study. Ve starteddpovidni verification. August 11 at safeguarding public order in the Zhytomyr regional administration, where they held a public hearing, together with the police conducted a cursory overview of UAS group of young people. In the backpack of one of them, as it turned out, 16-year-old, police found object resembling a gun. SLIdcho-operative group police seized weapons. Today it is aimed at research to the Research Forensic Centre at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Previous legal qualification event - st.263 (illegal handling of weapons, ammunition or explosives) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Continuing clarify all the circumstances, including hikesTION remote object. Police appeals to parents in the upbringing of which are minor children, to prevent unlawful actions your child or relative to it constantly monitors the circle of friends and interests. Do not forget to wonder where and how your child is engaged in a particular time of day. Constantly remind connectorsnyuyte children about safety rules, which it had not concerned. Press service of Ministry of Internal Affairs Ukraine Zhytomyr region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/