Ministry of Justice, the Commission examines the progress Ukraine MIA in Khmelnytsky lustration

Within the orders of Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk Commission will carry out checks in the course of lustration government area in general and the police - in particular. has come to Khmelnitsky announced Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk Justice Commission, which will check compliancein the Law of Ukraine "On cleaning power." Commission members met at "round table" with the leadership of Ministry of Internal Affairs and the persons responsible for carrying out inspections in lyustratsiynyh structural and territorial police units area. Representatives of the Justice Ministry was interested in quantitative and qualitative indicators lyustratsiynyh processes in management, cutultaty of checks on senior staff and applicants for posts. In addition, committee members were interested in issues lyustratsiynyh explain the process of inspections and cooperation on this issue with the public. - We signed a memorandum of cooperation with NGOs, organized the Public Council under Ministry of Internal Affairs, always held "kruhli tables "and public hearings - said the head of the regional Department of Internal Affairs Nicholas Semenyshyn. - I want to assure you that no appointment to a senior position without public discussion takes place. The Ministry of Justice gave an explanation to employees managing staffing of certain provisions of the Law EnglisRaina "On cleaning power." Press service of Ministry of Internal Affairs Ukraine in Khmelnytsky region
