Announced a new set of trainers for patrol Dnepropetrovsk, Nikolaev, Uzhgorod (Mukachevo), Lutsk and Khmelnitsky

Submit resume in order to become the new coach candidates patrol Dnepropetrovsk, Nikolaev, Uzhgorod (Mukachevo), or Lutsk Khmelnytsky need to August 31, 2015. More about discipline, measOIG to candidates coaches and conditions set - in this publication. Announced the competitive selection of trainers for training students patrol m. Dnipropetrovsk, m. Mykolaiv and the city of Uzhgorod (Mukachevo) of the following subjects: - Administrative responsibility and proceedings on administrative offenses - Qualification evilranks and principles of criminal proceedings - Traffic rules Ukraine - Registration accident - Protection scene - Corruption: fighting and responsibility - Information technology (only Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and / or teachers educational institutions of the MIA of Ukraine) - Professional ethics - Human Rights. Rule of Law. Konstytutsionalizm - Tolerance and non-discrimination in the patrol - Combating human trafficking - Prevention of Domestic Violence - Effective communication - Stress - Primary care domedychna - Partnership law enforcement and society - Radiation and chemical safety - Vybuhotehnichna training - Detection of illicit devicesth interference in the work of ATMs - The main types of psychotropic and narcotic substances - Identification signs of addiction - Detecting forged documents - Principles of Patrol Service Studies conducted in Ukrainian. The prerequisites for future trainers have the option of teaching: 1) at least 2 days per tonyzhden; 2) at least 12 hours a week. We invite trainers who are experts on the above subjects and have the necessary skills applying interactive teaching methods (role playing, practical exercises, group work). During the selection process will take into account the following criteria: Professional competence: - Experience of teaching markerDATA above subjects; - Experience of interactive teaching methods; - Skills for the preparation and presentation; - Management skills audiences; - Training experience. Personal qualities: - Strong communication skills; - The ability to argue their position; - Ability to work with large amounts of information; - Stress;- Organizational skills; - Ability to work in a team; - Responsibility. Encouraged the participation of experts from different spheres of public life and institutions (NGOs, research and teaching circles, practices, etc.). Selected candidates who work in structural units and / or in educational establishments of Ukraine, will be involved in transedennya education students patrol m. Dnipropetrovsk, Nikolayev and Uzhgorod (Mukachevo) the official order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Please note that the cost of accommodation in all cities not covered. All interested persons may send a letter with CV to: For Dnipropetrovsk: - 16:00 hours August 31, 2015; For Nikolaev: - 16:00 hours August 31, 2015; For Uzhgorod (Mukachevo): - 16:00 hours August 31, 2015; To Lutsk: - 16:00 hours August 31, 2015; For Khmelnitsky: - 16:00 hours August 31, 2015. In an interview will be invited only candidates selected for consideration of received messages. The format of the letter follows: In the subject line write that you want to teach discipline (according to the list that is listed above). In the letter, specify the following: 1. Yourname and patronymic 2. What subject you wish to teach (according to the list that is listed above) 3. How many days a week you can teach 4. How many hours a week can teach Attached to the letter must be attached your resume (no more than 2 pages). Pay attention! Letters that do not meet this formthat will not be considered!
